About The Practice

There are 3 components to the practice: connecting with nature, finding stillness, and expressing yourself. Drawing is a part of the process, but it is so much more than that.

In this fast-paced world, it is easy to get lost in the rush, skip self-care and feel out of balance. We all know this, but sometimes we still struggle to slow down and make time for ourselves. This practice is a simple exercise that we can use to make it easier.

Spending time in nature, meditation, and creating art are three things that have supported me throughout my professional and personal life. By fusing them together, this practice combines the benefits of each experience into a holistic ritual. A ritual which we can use to find calm, connection and creativity in our daily lives.

Inspired by my career as a tattoo artist, I wanted to help people reclaim their creative spirit. I developed this practice so anyone can access the peace, therapy and joy found in creating art, even if you think you can’t draw. This practice is very simple and intuitive. But despite its simplicity, there is a lot happening underneath the surface. The benefits include:

  • Relaxation
  • Increased focus
  • Improved creativity
  • Better sense of well-being
  • Self-acceptance
  • Connection to nature
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Enhanced sense of presence

The practice involves contributing one small sketch per day to an ongoing collection. The quality of the sketches isn't important, it's all about the process of creating them. By following the step-by-step instructions you will learn how to relax, slow down and enjoy the experience.

This ongoing practice, and the artwork that it leaves behind is something that can stay with you for weeks, months or even years. All that it requires is a few materials and an in-depth guide - all of which is found within The Art Of Presence book and box set. Together the set provides you with all that you need to undertake the practice and carry it with you wherever you go.

This is something that you can use every single day if you would like to incorporate more focus, peace and creativity into your daily life. Equally, it is also a practice that you can simply lean on, from time to time, to help bring you back to the present moment and find some peace when you feel out of balance.

There is no right or wrong. You can tailor the practice to suit your needs, schedule and lifestyle. This is a practice for everyone.